Thc wiki eng

24 Tracks.

Die White Widow entstand aus einer Kreuzung aus der brasilianischen Cannabis sativa und Cannabis indica. Drogenmythen | Drogen Wiki | Fandom - Der THC-Anstieg beschränkt sich lediglich auf spezielle Zuchtsorten, welche im Straßenhandel relativ bedeutungslos sind. Der mittlere THC-Gehalt von Straßencannabis ist nicht höher als früher. Allgemein ist THC-reiches Cannabis nicht gefährlicher als THC-armes, da der Konsument von diesem einfach eine geringere Dosis einnimmt. YouTube Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content and share it all with friends, family and the world on YouTube. What Is THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) And What Does It Do? • High The word is imposing at first, but with a little practice, you’ll find it rolls off the tongue. Its elegance is in its meter, three trochees followed by an iambic flourish.

Pharmacological effects. Conversion of THCA to THC in vivo appears to be very limited, giving it only very slight efficacy as a prodrug for THC. In receptor binding assays it is promiscuous; there are papers showing it being an inhibitor of PC-PLC, COX-1, COX-2, TRPM8, TRPV1, FAAH, NAAA, MGL, and DGLα, and an inhibitor of anandamide transport, as well as an agonist of TRPA1 and TRPV2.

A compound, C21H30O2, obtained from cannabis or made synthetically, that is the primary intoxicant in marijuana and hashish. abbreviation for Tetrahydrocannabinol Guide | What Is THC? | Marijuana Doctors What Is THC – Tetrahydrocannabinol? THC is perhaps the most well-known chemical compound found in the cannabis plant. All varieties of cannabis contain THC, although some contain very little and others are THC dominant.

THC definition: tetrahydrocannabidinol : the active ingredient in cannabis , giving it its narcotic and | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples. Log In Dictionary. Thesaurus. Translator. Grammar. English. Dictionary Grammar Blog School Scr

Thc wiki eng

What Is THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) And What Does It Do? • High The word is imposing at first, but with a little practice, you’ll find it rolls off the tongue. Its elegance is in its meter, three trochees followed by an iambic flourish. Einsatz von Hanf in Lebensmitteln kann gesundheitlich Die Wirkungen, die THC nach oraler Aufnahme beim Menschen erzeugen kann, sind nicht ausreichend untersucht, um eine abschließende gesundheitliche Bewertung vorzunehmen. Aus Gründen des vorsorgenden Verbraucherschutzes empfiehlt das BgVV aber, eine tägliche Aufnahmemenge an THC von 1-2µg/kg Körpergewicht nicht zu überschreiten. Diese THC | definition of THC by Medical dictionary THC: (THC) [ tet″rah-hi″dro-kah-nab´ĭ-nol ] the active principle of cannabis , occurring in two isomeric forms, both considered psychomimetically active. See also marijuana . Damiana | Drogen Wiki | Fandom Damiana (Turnera diffusa) gehört der Gattung der Safranmalven (Turnera) an und ist eine Pfanzenart mit diversen psychoaktiven Inhaltsstoffen, die bereits seit Jahrhunderten als Heil- und Rauschpflanze verwendet wird.

Thc wiki eng

There are three species: Cannabis sativa, Cannabis indica, and Cannabis ruderalis.

Thc wiki eng

Einsatz von Hanf in Lebensmitteln kann gesundheitlich Die Wirkungen, die THC nach oraler Aufnahme beim Menschen erzeugen kann, sind nicht ausreichend untersucht, um eine abschließende gesundheitliche Bewertung vorzunehmen. Aus Gründen des vorsorgenden Verbraucherschutzes empfiehlt das BgVV aber, eine tägliche Aufnahmemenge an THC von 1-2µg/kg Körpergewicht nicht zu überschreiten.

pregnancy, use of cannabis (e.g., marijuana) during pregnancy has been associated  Tikun is a recognized global pioneer and leader in medical cannabis research drawing upon the knowledge of top experts in the areas of cannabis cultivation,  Cannabis. A brand is a promise to consumers. We invest deeply in our unique, consumer-driven brands, because we believe great brands are the engine of an  15 Sep 2017 The prospective legalization of cannabis for non-medical purposes means Statistics 2016” According to Wikipedia, the term “was coined in 2005 as a  LEADING MEDICAL CANNABIS SCIENCE removing the harmful edges of the cannabis plant in order to transform it into favorable products for patients. The Fluence SPYDR series is designed to provide precise control over light spectrum levels and intensity for close-proximity, multi-tier indoor cannabis  English Wikipedia has an article on: gangster gumbo (a mix of several people's cannabis); ganja or ganj (abbreviated) (from Hindi); gas kushempeng.

THC also possesses high UV-B (280-315 nm) absorption properties, which, it has been speculated, could protect the plant from harmful UV radiation exposure. ^ A preliminary investigation (Pate 1983) indicated that, in areas of high ultraviolet radiation exposure, the UV-B (280-315 nm) absorption properties of THC may have conferred an evolutionary advantage to Cannabis capable of greater Thc | Definition of Thc by Merriam-Webster THC definition is - either of two physiologically active isomers C21H30O2 from hemp plant resin; especially : one that is the chief intoxicant in marijuana. How to use THC in a sentence. Cannabis hilft bei Krebs - Das belegen viele Studien - Mehr Infos Nach zwei Jahren lebten nur noch 46 % der THC-freien Ratten. Von den Ratten, die 5 mg THC pro kg Körpergewicht erhalten hatten, lag der Überlebenswert bei 75 %. In der 15 mg-Gruppe waren es 68 % und in der 50 mg-Gruppe 66 %. Die geringere Sterblichkeit stand eng im Zusammenhang mit der niedrigeren Häufigkeit an Krebs in den Ratten.

THC – Wikipedia THC steht als Abkürzung für: Terminal Handling Charge, Umschlaggebühr von Reedereien im Seehafen; Tetrahydrocannabinol, hauptsächlich rauschbewirkender Wirkstoff der Hanfpflanze (Cannabis) Thermohaline Zirkulation, die Ozean-verbindenden Meeresströmu Tetrahydrocannabinolic acid - Wikipedia Pharmacological effects. Conversion of THCA to THC in vivo appears to be very limited, giving it only very slight efficacy as a prodrug for THC. In receptor binding assays it is promiscuous; there are papers showing it being an inhibitor of PC-PLC, COX-1, COX-2, TRPM8, TRPV1, FAAH, NAAA, MGL, and DGLα, and an inhibitor of anandamide transport, as well as an agonist of TRPA1 and TRPV2. THC - Wiktionary 03.10.2019 · (organic chemistry) Initialism of tetrahydrocannabinol.· Abbreviation of thermohaline circulation.··Initialism of tetrahidrocannabinol.

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Celebrity. 1 May 2019 Note: This is an older article about Medical Cannabis, originally published in THC is also associated with negative psychological effects, such as Cannabidiol. Accessed 2012-03-23.